We try to keep our WooCommerce theme Captiva up to date by regularly releasing updates which include bug fixes, compatibility resolutions and new features.
Here is a quick tutorial on keeping Captiva and indeed any other theme on ThemeForest up to date.
1. Download the Envato WordPress Toolkit

We’ve included this with Captiva so you probably won’t need to worry about this step – it will be pre-installed. But if you are looking for it you’ll need to download it from GitHub as it’s not available in the regular WordPress Plugin Repository. Then go to Plugins > Add New and upload the zip file.
Activate the Envato Toolkit Plugin and an option for it should appear on the dashboard left hand side menu.
2. API Key

Next you’ll need to create an API key to connect your WooCommerce site to your ThemeForest account. Login to ThemeForest, hover over your username and click on “My Settings” and click on “API Keys” on the left hand side menu. Generate a free API key from this screen.
3. Update Captiva

Now when you click on the Envato menu item you can enter your ThemeForest username and API key you’ve just generated.
On the following screen there should be an option to automatically update Captiva to the latest version.
And if you want to do this manually?
You can of course simply unzip the latest version of Captiva and upload it, overwriting the old. But make sure you’re using a child theme! If not, modifications you’ve made to any files will be lost.
Captiva Theme Options are saved to the database so don’t worry – they won’t be overwritten with any update.
Hi there,
Can you explain what a child theme is? I am doing my own research, but perhaps you may be able to put it in plain language for me?
When I update my Captiva theme, I am not sure what gets updated? When I finish my 2 websites will the update overwrite what I have on a page or does it leave content as is?
I do not intend to re-write any of the Captiva theme (most probably becasue I don’t know how), so when I update does the website stay as is?
Please pardon my ignorance as I am new to WordPress and am teaching myself web design.
Thank you
Hi Charlie!
Thanks for your comment! It would be useful alright to elaborate a bit more about child themes – look out for a blog post on the topic in the next couple of days!
Well, it seems like Envato Toolkit does not work for Captiva.
Here is the message I get after installing and setting up the Toolkit:
Environment error: Unable to increase maximum execution time. Due to settings on your server, large themes may be unable to update automatically. Please consult your server administrator if this causes issues for you.
Where can I find the latest versions of Captiva files?
My version is V1.6.2 and currently it is V1.9.2
Hi there,
You can download the latest version of Captiva from themeforest once you’re logged in under the account you purchased it with – head over to themeforest.net/downloads
Re: max. execution error – that’s not a bug with the plugin – you need to ask your host to extend your execution timeout to be at least 300 seconds.
If you need further assistance with this feel free to shoot us a ticket here