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Best Image CDNs for WordPress

Best Image CDNs

Are you looking for a robust image CDN for your WooCommerce store? While compressing and optimizing your images can help improve your website’s performance, it’s equally important to deliver images quickly to your site visitors, whatever their geographical location. Image CDNs are a great way to do this.

WooCommerce Hooks: Introduction, Tutorial, and Real-Life Examples

WooCommerce Hooks

If you want to customize how your WooCommerce store looks and/or functions, understanding WooCommerce hooks is going to make your life a whole lot easier. We’ve included two videos at the end which allow you to follow along step-by-step.

Hooks make it easy to insert content or change behavior at specific parts on your store, like the checkout page, shopping cart page, etc. What’s so great about WooCommerce hooks is that they let you do this without needing to edit any of the underlying theme template files.


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