Friday’s WooCommerce featured plugin is ‘PDF Invoice’ – a marked step up on the default WooCommerce one both in looks and functionality.
Starter Child Theme for Captiva released
Using a child theme is the best way to ensure you can easily update our WooCommerce themes when new versions become available. Today we’ve released a child theme for our first WooCommerce theme, Captiva.
Sell subscriptions with WooCommerce
One of the best things about WooCommerce is its ability to be extended beyond its core functionality to cater for lots of other eCommerce scenarios. One of the most common scenarios is subscriptions.
Fighting fraud with a new plugin from WooCommerce
WooCommerce today launched a very interesting plugin designed to help store owners fight fraudulent transactions on their store.
A recent report from Cybersource, a unit of Visa estimated the fraud cost for online retailers to be $3.5 billion or 0.9% of online revenue in 2012.
New Google Analytics eCommerce plugin from Yoast
The team over at Yoast launched a new Google Analytics eCommerce plugin last week. If you’re serious about tracking your sales with WooCommerce in Google Analytics this is a must have new plugin.
How to build a successful eCommerce empire through Private Labelling
Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income podcast is a veritable goldmine of wonderful information about doing business online. Chances are that if you’re in the business of selling anything to anyone online you’ve probably stumbled across the SPI podcast before. Normally the subject matter is a little bit more geared towards Internet Marketing in general but a recent episode is a must listen for budding eCommerce merchants.